Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Parent/Teacher Conferences CHALLENGE

On Monday, November 19th I will be at Pullen from 10-1 & 2-5 for conferences. 

On Tuesday, November 20th we have a half day in the morning.  I will be at McGuire 1-4 & 5-8, please come see me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  And also to...


I will set up our fitness testing equipment for you to challenge your parents.
  • PACER test
  • Pull-ups
  • Curl-ups
  • Shuttle Run
  • Sit & Reach 
  • Outside - Mile run...? J
If you don't want to challenge, you can always come in and say "Hello".

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

YouTube Video

A sixth grader, Chloe, suggested that I take a look at this YouTube video of a nine year old girl playing football.  I was impressed by this young girl's determination.  She was able to run fast and refused to be tackled.

Football & Stations

Our warm-up on the day of stations was relay team spelling.  Each team had a small white board and they were asked to finish my sentence with the correct spelling of the word.  The first person in line raced down to the white board and wrote the first letter, then the second person, and so on.  The words they had to spell correctly were there, their, and they're.  We finished the face with a bonus of choose the correct word from "to, too, or two".  As you can see from the pictures below they were so fast I couldn't even get a good picture.

I think these are Nancy's fast feet.

Sid during the spelling warm-up.

Kyle is holding the climbing rope wall for Alex.

Football station

Nelson & Terry practicing the standing long jump.

Chloe's feet during the speedy spelling warm-up.