Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back!

This year I decided to create a blog to communicate activities, special events, health tips, my thoughts, etc.  Our elementary PE department did the same thing, but as a group.  To take a look at just some of us during a professional development day click here.  I linked an article on our group blog about sleeping, since students won't be able to sleep in anymore.  I liked this article because it suggests how many hours you should get and gives some signs of sleep deprivation. 

You can see that there is a new face in our crowd, Mr. Brandenburger.  He will be teaching the fourth graders here at McGuire, as well as traveling to Sacred Heart and Vowles.  To the nervous fourth graders that I saw at the open house, remember Mr. Brandenburger is new too.  Relax and smile :)

I am happy to have the fifth and sixth graders at McGuire, mostly because I am excited to see familiar faces.  I will also be teaching physical education at Pullen.  It looks like my schedule includes kindergarten and second grade over there.  More familiar faces there with some of the second graders. 

This is the sixth year I will be teaching physical education and I have been in every building in the district throughout the years.  My schedule has been part time, one year it was full time, and to be honest quite hectic.  There were many days that I ate lunch in my car as I traveled to another school. 

Unfortunately, my schedule came to me after a teacher retired.  Mrs. Ogger, who taught at McGuire for many years, decided to retire.  The news came to me in the middle of the summer.  I'm disappointed that we didn't get to throw a big retirement party.  She will be missed by her colleagues and students.  I did my student teaching with her and learned a lot.  I feel like she was a great mentor to me and this year will be different without her. 

Please come back to my blog to view things throughout the year.  I hope to include pictures too, which can be fun!  Feel free to comment as well, if you are a student please remember to make it appropriate and respectful (I will delete anything inappropriate and will have to have a chat with you).  If you are a parent and have a problem, feel free to call me at school (989) 775-2260. 

Enjoy your last weekend of freedom! Mwuhahaha!