Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Let the MAGIC Begin

Yesterday we finally kicked off the 2012-2013 school year!  I’m so excited I could do a cartwheel (again).  Our assembly brought everyone together in the gym.  The staff was introduced (picture my cartwheel again) and most importantly we discussed Mustang Magic.  The acronym MAGIC was displayed on large pieces of paper and the whole school was encouraged to repeat the words Motivated, Appropriate Actions, Good Choices, Integrity & Character.  We are going to live by the MAGIC words to help McGuire become an even better learning place. 
I have had most of the fifth and sixth graders before so they are familiar with the Physical Education rules.  I ask that students come prepared with appropriate shoes for activity.  There will be a sticker awarded to the class that has everyone remembering their shoes.  At the end of the trimester the class with the most stickers will receive a traveling shoe trophy to display in their room.
Also, please give your personal best effort in class.  Each student is an important part of our class and it works much better when everyone is trying their best. 
There is a lot of great equipment at McGuire (some of it is older than the students here).  I ask that students respect each piece of equipment because it is expensive to replace.  I love having enough equipment for each student to practice their skills. 
Finally, I ask that students show respect for me as well as their peers.  We will be learning skills and playing games that may be challenging for some students.  I ask that at McGuire we can help each other be the best physical education student possible by sharing, respecting others, and playing fair.  I get teary eyed when we play a game or a tournament and I see students helping and encouraging each other (especially on the other team).  I feel so proud of our students when they display great sportsmanship!  It always amazes me when students use their manners, listen politely, and use respectful words when interacting with me, I feel like a proud parent.  I can’t take the credit, “thank you” to the parents and guardians that continue to help raise such great kids.  Feel free to give me any parenting advice because I also want my two kids to be great.
A quick recap of our rules are:
1.       Come prepared with shoes
2.    Give your best effort
3.       Respect equipment
4.       Respect others and me

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